For years I searched worldwide for watercolor papers created in environmentally conscious ways.

While I found only one made with organic cotton, all other aspects of the production of these

papers I currently paint on I am pleased with.

My new handmade watercolor papers include Aquari by Sastres in Spain, as well as,

Peruvian Papelera Don Bosco made with organic Peruvian cotton. Papelera Don Bosco custom makes the paper

for me without sizing. I size it with pure gelatin. My other new paper is Hahnemhule, a mould-made paper from Germany.

A few of the new watercolors are still painted on Arches as I transition to the new papers.

Several other paper mills produce watercolor papers meeting my criteria for environmentally

conscious production. Learn about these watercolor papers, my intense paper search, art and the environment,

and how artist’s materials influenced the progression of art through the ages in my book.

My BLOG discusses my book.